This information is provided by The London Independent Hospital.
The London Independent Hospital is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary private hospital located in East London, providing routine to highest-complexity treatments, across 30 different specialities, to patients from the City of London, Woodford and Essex. Some of the main private treatments offered at The London Independent Hospital in East London include:
Hip surgery Knee surgery
ACL Surgery
Hand & wrist surgery
Neurocranial surgery
Gynaecology services
Gastroenterology services
Cataract surgery
The hospital also has access to some of the latest technology and equipment, including:
Three operating theatres (2 with laminar flow for specialist orthopaedics)
Comprehensive Imaging Centre, with 128-slide CT, MRI and ultrasound
5 bedded level 3 Critical Care Unit (ITU) to support complex and trauma care
Neuro Navigational Equipment
Dedicated Day-Case Unit, 19 beds
31-bedded In Patient Wards
JAG-accredited Endoscopy Suite
19 consulting rooms
Physiotherapy department, with fully-equipped rehabilitation gym
Multi-faith prayer room