This information is provided by Mr Jagwant Singh.
GMC reg: 6082880
Mr Jagwant Singh is an accomplished trauma and upper limb orthopaedic surgeon who is committed to providing the highest quality of care to all his patients using the latest techniques. He specialises in shoulder and elbow surgery, including joint preservation, arthroscopic, joint replacement surgery, and upper limb trauma. As an author, researcher, and teacher, Mr Singh is passionate about innovation and regularly travels to leading centres worldwide to explore the latest cutting-edge techniques in shoulder and elbow surgery. He sees private patients at various hospitals, including Princess Grace Hospital and The London Clinic Mr Singh completed his training on the prestigious North East Thames (Royal London rotation) and then refined his skills with fellowships at the renowned Wrightington Hospital and Nottingham Shoulder and Elbow Unit. He also underwent travelling fellowships at world-leading units in the USA and Europe. Mr Singh takes a leading role in research, teaching, and mentoring junior trainees in his NHS role .He currently serves as Chair of the Healthcare Delivery Committee and is a member of the Executive Council of the European Shoulder and Elbow Society. He was elected to the Society of American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons in 2021. Additionally, he holds the position of Honorary Senior Lecturer at King's College London. Mr Singh's practice encompasses all aspects of shoulder and elbow surgery, including shoulder pain and stiffness, shoulder impingement, rotator cuff and instability surgery, Biceps and Pectoralis tendinopathy and rupture, shoulder arthritis, nerve compression surgeries, elbow arthritis, Tennis and Golfers elbow, and upper limb fracture surgery, including elbow fracture dislocations, wrist fractures, and ligament injuries. He was awarded the British Shoulder and Elbow Society fellowship in 2018 and, as part of this, gained expertise from renowned North American centres including the Mayo Clinic, Rochester and Rothman’s Institute, Philadelphia. After becoming a Fellow to the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2017, Jagwant secured a fellowship at Wrightington Hospital, where he was awarded the John Charnley gold medal in 2018. He won the Freeman prize 2013-14 and RLHOTS travelling fellowship in 2017 to the Steadman Clinic & US Olympic Institute, Vail Colorado and Harvard Shoulder Unit (Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston). Fellowships Wrightington Upper Limb Unit (2018-19), Nottingham Shoulder Unit (2019) CCST , Trauma & Orthopaedics, London Deanery, The Royal London Rotation (2017) FRCS Royal College of Surgeons of England (2016) MRCS Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (2007)
Additional specialties and sub-specialties
Trauma and orthopaedic surgery - Shoulder & Elbow • Trauma and orthopaedic surgery - Sports • Trauma and orthopaedic surgery - Trauma • Trauma and orthopaedic surgery - Hands • Trauma and orthopaedic surgery - Trauma & Orthopaedics • Trauma and orthopaedic surgery - Deformity Correction Surgery
Additional languages
Hindi • Punjabi • Urdu
Special clinical interests
Conditions:Acromioclavicular(AC)jointinjury,ArticularCartilageDamage,BankartTearorLesion,Biceps injury,Bursitis,CalcificTendonitis,ClavicleFracture,CubitalTunnelSyndrome,DistalBicepTear,Elbow Dislocation,ElbowFracture,ElbowInstability,ElbowJointArthritis,ElbowPain,ElbowStiffness,FailedPrior Surgery,FrozenShoulder(AdhesiveCapsulitis),Golfer'sandBaseballElbow(MedialEpicondylitis), Humerus Fracture, Fracture, ImplantInfection, JointInfection, JointInstability, Labrum Tear, Nerve Entrapment,OCDoftheElbow,PectoralisTear,RecurrentandChronicElbowInstability,RotatorCuffTear, RotatorCuffTendonitis,ShoulderArthritis,ShoulderDislocation,ShoulderFracture,Shoulder Impingement,ShoulderInstabilityandSubluxation,ShoulderPain,SLAPTear,SprainsandStrains, Tendinitis,TennisElbow(LateralEpicondylitis),TricepsInjury,TricepsTear,UCLinjury Wrist and Hand Injury , Nerve decompression surgery , Tendon surgery , surgery for arthritis ( Fusion / Replacement ) , Thumb Arthritis Surgery