Mr Balachandran Venkateswaran
Last updated: 04/03/2025
7 or fewer total admissions. |
This information has been verified as accurate by the consultant
Last updated: 04/03/2025
7 or fewer total admissions. |
This information has been verified as accurate by the consultant
This information is provided by Mr Balachandran Venkateswaran.
GMC reg: 4589956Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon since 2005 with a busy Midyorkshire NHS hospital and private Spire Elland and Longlands hospital practice. He is a keen teacher and is a Honorary Senior Lecturer at University of Leeds. In keeping with this he is also a National Examiner for FRCS Trauma and Orthopaedics, MRCS and for Leeds Medical University. He has done clinical Research and has published his work in national and international journals. Please Visit for more information. Mr Venkat is a specialist in shoulder surgery, rotator cuff disease, shoulder pain and instability. He has co-authored chapters in books on shoulder surgery. He has publications and presentations on his research and audits on upper limb and general trauma and runs courses for orthopaedic trainees. Mr Venkat is an Examiner for Leeds Medical University (MBBS) , Royal College of Surgeons of Glasgow (MRCS) and The Joint Committee for Intercollegiate Examinations (FRCS Trauma and Orthopaedics). Interests include amongst other things cycling, fell walking and racquet sports. He is a keen Squash player.
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Trauma and orthopaedic surgery - Shoulder & Elbow
Treatments Mr Venkat provides treatments for complex shoulder problems, impingement, rotator cuff tears, arthritis, cuff tear arthropathy, acromioclavicular joint injuries, shoulder dislocations, frozen shoulders, joint replacement of the shoulder and elbow. He has a special interest in sports injuries of the shoulder and elbow. He regularly provides an one-stop clinic for the patients and uses ultrasound as part of the diagnostic work up. His services are complemented by the excellent state of the art radiology at all the hospitals and rehabilitation and physiotherapy support
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Surveys from patients about the care they received from Mr Balachandran Venkateswaran.
Not enough data available to show patient satisfaction feedback. |
Not enough data available to show patient experience feedback. |
Prices provided by Mr Balachandran Venkateswaran and their associated hospitals.
Spire Elland Hospital
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