Our response to falling obesity figures:

Obesity has been a serious issue across the UK for too long, and it is welcome news that, according to one recent report at least, the number of people impacted by it appears to have peaked and now be on the way down.

Being overweight or obese is the second biggest cause of cancer in the UK. If you are overweight you are more likely to get cancer than if you are a healthy weight.

Weight loss, whether through medication or surgery, should be seen as part of a comprehensive approach. Neither approach is magic and any benefits will be short lived without lifestyle management, including diet, exercise, and psychological support.

We produced a report which provides an analysis of weight loss surgery also referred to as bariatric surgery and metabolic surgery, in the independent healthcare sector in the UK, covering the years 2016 to 2023.

The report called ‘Worth the weight’ shows that the number of private hospital admissions for weight loss surgery remains well above pre-pandemic levels, but there was a sustained decline in 2023.

Although there was a peak in Q3 2021 (1,615 admissions), our data indicates a 21% decrease in weight loss surgery admissions from then to the end of 2023 (1,260).

Weight loss surgery can have a transformative impact can on patients’ lives. However, it is a significant step for many individuals, and it is essential that they have access to accurate and comprehensive information.

We recommend anyone considering such treatment visits our independent, unbiased and free to use website – phin.org.uk – to find out more about how and where they could be treated if they are considering this option.

We advise people to be very careful about any weight loss surgery outside the UK. While the attraction of cost savings is undeniable, the hidden risks can be substantial, and several patients have died from poor care. Make sure you look carefully at what is being offered, what safety measures there are and how any issues would be dealt with.

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