With hospitals focused on supporting the NHS during the Covid-19 pandemic, PHIN has taken the decision, with the support of the CMA, to postpone the publication of updated website measures for the next quarter which was due to take place in June.
London, 18 May 2020: As many hospitals have redeployed colleagues who would normally support the submission and data checking processes to other areas, PHIN believes it would not be appropriate to refresh the measures and disadvantage those hospitals. It will also be flagged to visitors to the website that we have taken this decision to allow hospitals to focus their energies into supporting the NHS.
In the meantime, hospitals can continue to submit data to PHIN and we will maintain all reports via the Portal as normal. Consultants can also continue to review their data reports, verify their data measures, create profiles and submit their fee information to PHIN.
“While transparency of activity and outcomes in private healthcare is important, the priority at this time must be to give full support to the NHS in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. We have decided not to press ahead with the next refresh of measures on our website to allow hospitals and consultants to focus their support on the NHS. However, consultants are still able to visit the PHIN Portal to update their profiles and submit their fee information, and since we relaunched the Portal in March we’ve been delighted to see over 800 consultants logon. Consultants are also still able to review and sign-off their measures, however there will be some lag with some of the data as hospitals focus their resources on Covid-19.”
Jonathan Finney, Director of Member Services
There is further information and FAQs available for hospitals and consultants on PHIN’s Portal.