The latest infections and health outcomes for private hip and knees procedures are now available on the PHIN website.

As the private healthcare industry begins to recover from the Covid-19 outbreak in the UK, we have resumed publication of updated website measures for the next quarter. The website will now show data submitted for the current data period of 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019.

The latest infections data show:

  • The total number of hospital sites reporting their infections increased by 17, with 287 hospitals reporting publishable infections. This includes 268 sites for which we can publish infection rates and 19 for which we cannot.
  • There were 328 reported healthcare associated infection (HCAIs) in the year across 1.4 million bed days, across the sites where we could calculate a rate. This shows a slight change in the overall HCAI infection rate (21.4 to 22.2 infections per 100,000 bed days) in the new data period compared to the last period (1st October 2018 – 30th September 2019). In addition there were 6 HCAI for which we could not calculate a rate, making a total of 334 HCAIs occurred in the year.
  • For sites where a percentage risk can be calculated, there were 61 reported surgical site infections (SSI) across 32,030 patients undergoing hip and knee replacement procedures. The overall percentage risk is unchanged at 0.2% in the new data period compared to the last period (1st October 2018 – 30th September 2019). In addition there was 1 SSI for which we could not calculate a percentage risk, making a total of 62 SSIs occurred in the year.

According to the latest outcomes data for private hip operations the percentage of patients reporting positive health improvement following hip replacement surgery (undertaken as a primary procedure) shows a change from 98.4% to 98.3%, and for hip revision surgery from 89.9% to 88.9%. For knee replacement surgery (undertaken as a primary procedure) the percentage of patients reporting positive health improvement changed slightly from 95.2% to 94.6%, with knee revision surgery changing from 91.2% to 88.4%.

We have produced downloadable PDF and Excel versions of both datasets which can be accessed below.

View and download private infections from Jan 2019 to Dec 2019.

View and download hip and knee outcomes from Jan 2018 to Dec 2018.

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