Infections datasheets

Here you will find a downloadable version of all the infections information which is published on PHIN's website, including HCAIs and SSIs.

These resources are aimed at professionals and academics to help them better understand care that is provided, and where improvements can be made. These are also shared with regulators, public bodies and hospital managers. 

For more information on infections, read our Infections guide.

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*Please note, as of September 2024, there have been updates made to the Infections datasheet.

The Infections datasheet will have the following event sub-codes for all infections:

  • Event sub codes - Community-onset, Hospital-onset, Unknown-onset

The field definition included in the datasheet reads: ‘The Healthcare Associated Infections Event code has the following Event sub codes:

  • Community-onset - The infection is identified when the specimen date is <3 days after the current admission date (where day of admission is day 1).
  • Hospital-onset - The infection is identified when the specimen date is =3 days after the current admission date (where day of admission is day 1), as per UKHSA.
  • Unknown - The provider is unable to determine if the healthcare associated infection originated in the community or hospital at the time of reporting.
  • 'Total' is the aggregation of the 3 event sub codes.’

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This page was last updated on 10 March 2025.